But why is Tony such a Industry Email List strong brand? Is that in the elaboration of core values down to the last detail, so that this is noticeable for employees? Does this result in motivated employees and lower Industry Email List absenteeism and turnover figures? Something to think about, if you ask me. Dealing with stress in the organization You often hear that people experience stress at work. Deadlines, peak moments that need to be continuously worked towards, too much work pressure Problems arise when everything has to be more Industry Email List efficient and the pressure remains high. But a little pressure isn't bad, is it? That's right, there's also good stress. Stress that helps to get rid of 'to do' lists or meet a short deadline.
But there is also stress with Industry Email List a negative influence. In the book, Ann de Bisschop gives three pillars by which you can recognize this stress. It manifests itself mentally, physically and cognitively. She makes this clear with the example below: If you have physical symptoms (fatigue), this is often accompanied by Industry Email List mental symptoms (loss of energy) and cognitive signals (difficulty concentrating). Is your team experiencing stress? Or do you experience stress yourself in a management position? Then realize that stress is a kind of weed, it reproduces (undesirably). Map out stress factors and determine what type of stress employees have to deal with. The table below gives you guidelines for this.well-being stress level.
Developing a wellness strategy Industry Email List Are you curious about what you can do as an organization to positively influence the mental health of employees? The book cites seven pillars for developing a proactive well-being policy. In this article I share a few aspects that have stuck with me to give you an Industry Email List impression of what is possible. 1. Culture and values 40% of the companies have integrity, teamwork is on the list at 33% and innovation/creativity at 28%. Nice words, but what do they really mean for Industry Email List the organization if you share them with four out of ten other companies? Translating values into behavior is already a good step to generate a good working climate.